Monday, August 20, 2012

Saber, Certified Herddog

I have been one busy puppy over the past week! Between lure coursing, visiting new dog parks and preparing for DockDogs this week, Mom took me to Ewe-Topia Herddog Training facility in Roy, Washington to try my paw at sheep herding. I am, after all, a German SHEPHERD, so it's only natural that herding be part of the stuff I do. Right?

So Mom took me to this place and we sat outside the pens and watched some other dogs taking herding lessons for a little while. I had never seen "sheep" before, so I wasn't sure what to think. Then Mom took me into an empty pen and another lady walked up to a gate and let some of those big furry things in WITH me. What the heck are those?? Dogs? I watched them for a minute and then I ran over to sniff them. I discovered that they were not dogs, but actually large mobile treat dispensers!! Every time I chased them, fresh treats came flying out of their back ends! It was awesome. I totally know what I am asking Santa for for Christmas this year! Anyway, the herding lady called them "sheep" and encouraged me to run after them, so I did! It was great because usually Mom does not allow me to chase squirrels or other animals, but this time Mom was happy that I was chasing the sheep.

I ran around them in circles. I split them up and then herded them back together again.

And when the herding lady wanted them back in the gate, I helped move them in there.

Mom didn't tell me ahead of time, but this was actually a test called a Herding Instinct Test. Guess what? I passed! The judge who was watching me said I have plenty of herding instinct, lots of potential, and that the sheep responded to my 'power.' I wish the cat at home would respond to my power.

Here is my Herding Instinct Certificate. Notice, it says "Certified Herddog." I am so cool.

Two days later I went back for another herding lesson. I will post more about that later! But now, I am going to sleep and dreaming of sheep. Good night!

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