Friday, April 25, 2014

Saber Jet, RN

Hi everyone! Saber here. I have been so busy dealing with the sick cat, or rather, just knowing there is a cat constantly in my house, that I have neglected to update you on my latest adventures! But don't worry. I am a dog of great diligence and reliability, and will always do my duty to inform the public of my affairs.

Mom says I did something really wonderful earlier this month! She took me to a 3-day AKC Rally obedience trial in Moses Lake, WA, where I stunned and amazed everyone by not only getting my last two legs in Rally Novice, but also earning a leg in Rally Advanced! Let me tell you about it.

The trial on Friday was in a nice, big, open building with a lot of Collies around it. Apparently this was a Collie Specialty show. I assume I was invited because I am so much like the famous Lassie, who was very intelligent and did many great things for her family. I also have a long pointy nose, so I fit right in with the Collies. Anyway, when I got into the ring I paid very close attention to Mom's commands, except when I was distracted. There were a lot of Collie smells, and because I am a great tracking dog I had to sniff the new, never-before-seen-by-me mats which were connected together with duct tape. I had to redo one exercise, the Halt-Sit-Down, because just as I approached the station there was some very interesting and exciting obedience with jumps going on in the next ring and I forgot to sit. But I did the exercise perfectly the second time, and I qualified and got a pretty green ribbon!

The next day, we were in a different building without a lot of Collies. We had a different judge and a new course, and even though I did a bit of sniffing again, I got an even better score! Funny thing though. The judge had a Halt-Sit-Down sign in this course, too! So I did it exactly the same way I did that station yesterday: walked past it a bit, didn't sit, and made my Mom redo the whole station. I figured it got me a ribbon last time, so I just repeated my perfect behavior and YES! We got another ribbon, and my first Rally title! Now I am Saber Jet, RN. I suppose they would like me to start working in a hospital or nursing home like all the other RN's I know, but that's really not my thing. Besides, I don't even have a nurses' hat yet. But if it makes them feel better calling me an RN, I will allow it.

The night before I got my final leg in Rally Novice, Mom started looking at the Advanced Rally signs and trying to figure out how to do them all, just in case I surprised her and got to move up. And so she was ready when on the third day of the trial, we moved up to Rally Advanced. However I personally was not accustomed to working completely off leash, and a few of the exercises were new to me. But imagine my delight when we walked into the ring, she took off my leash, and there were two shiny silver FOOD BOWLS in the middle of the floor just ahead! I could not believe my good fortune! No leash AND food bowls left on the course? Oh, you can bet I was "ready" when the judge asked, "Are you ready?" Because when we got over near those food bowls, I went right over for my mid-day snack! Alas, not only did Mom tell me to Leave It, but there were also plastic grates on top of the bowls. And instead of food, they were full of toys. What a disappointed shepherd was I. Anyway, when Mom redid that station I paid better attention to her and did my figure 8 nicely. But in the back of my mind I was thinking what a mean joke it was for someone to put those food bowls out like that, with no food in them. Anyway, since we were off leash in a new place, I was a bit distracted and Mom was talking to me and calling me a lot to keep my attention. I was doing some sniffing, I knocked a sign over with my tail, and Mom had to redo a 360 left turn. But there was also a jump, and I LOVE doing jumps! It reminds me of agility, and I was looking for a tunnel to get sucked into after the jump but there was no tunnel at all. I guess they forgot it. Someone should look into the person who set this course up with no food and no tunnel.

Mom said she worked really hard for that Q. Yes, that's right, I qualified and got my first Rally Advanced leg! I truly am a wonderdog, says Mom. Sadly, no one got any pictures of me in the ring, but here I am afterwards with my ribbons:

But the best is yet to come! Because I did such a great job, after the trials Mom took me to do some of my favorite things! Frisbee:

And fetching sticks in the water!

Oh it was great fun! Apparently this is Moses' Lake. I don't know who Moses is, but he sure has a lot of sticks.

Then, Mom took me to Woody's Drive In for a bone sundae! I love bone sundaes. Doesn't everyone?

So you see, it is hard work being a German Shepherd, but my Mom makes it worth it. I am looking forward to another fun trip this weekend, when we go to Walla Walla for Obedience and Rally! Smell you there!