Anyway, a few weeks ago Mom and I started taking classes to learn AKC Rally obedience. Here are some pictures of us practicing in the Clubhouse and at the park. I'm the one with the pointy ears and the perfect sit:
After our second class, I so impressed my mother that she entered me in a Rally trial this past weekend! We were already going to Spokane for the obedience trial and lure coursing, so why not? She didn't think I would qualify, but I sure surprised her! Look at all my pretty ribbons!
So I did my best work for Mom and the Judge gave me a pretty green ribbon!
Then we went inside to the Obedience ring and there was a different Judge there, waiting to see the amazing, famous, blogging Shepherd. When I appeared, he gave his orders and Mom and I did all of the obedience exercises he asked for. He was so awed by my talent and beauty that he gave me not only a green ribbon, but also this gorgeous red rosette and a polka dotted fleece blanket! That was pretty nice of him but he forgot the bacon. Maybe next time. Anyway, Mom was happy, I got second place in Beginner Novice and earned my AKC BN title!
But that's not all! See that orange ribbon hanging from my collar? The next day Mom took me to my FAVORITE activity (besides eating): lure coursing! It was lots of fun, I ran fast and caught the bunnies right at the end (they tasted like plastic), and I got that ribbon. I just need two more to earn my AKC CAX title!
Well after all that hard work, I am a very tired puppy. Lucky I have this new blanket to keep me warm and cozy. Good night!