Monday, May 13, 2013

Flying Shepherd

I bet you didn't know this, but German Shepherds can fly! Well, not all German Shepherds. But this one can! Mom took me coursing again the last weekend in April. This time, we went to Walla Walla for two days and ran three times! It was great fun. There were lots of other dogs there, but as usual, I think I was the only German Shepherd. This time, there was a photographer who snapped some shots as evidence that I can, in fact, fly!

All four feet off the ground:

and again!

Just look at me go! I love the chase. I always imagine I am hunting wildebeests, or bunnies.

I did touch the ground just a few times, with one paw.

Of course, I did an awesome job and got 3 qualifying ribbons over the weekend. We also went to visit some parks in Walla Walla, including the dog park! I will share those pictures with you later. Finally, here I am in back of our hotel, teaching my girl to sit and stay. Isn't she doing a great job?

Now, if I can just teach her to fly!