Lure coursing is a fun sport in which sighthounds chase a lure across a field in a race. Recently, the AKC has created a similar sport of coursing for non-sighthound breeds called the Coursing Ability Test. In order to earn a title in this sport, a dog need 3 qualifying runs at coursing events under 2 different judges. A qualifying course for a bigger dog like Saber is 600 yards long, and the dog must "complete the course with enthusiasm and without interruption" in under 2 minutes.
Here are some pictures from Saber's first run. She was the first dog at this event to complete the course and earn a ribbon. She was entered in 2 events on this day and qualified in them both.
We hope to do one more run in June to earn her CA (Coursing Ability) title. The other titles in coursing are the CAA (Coursing Ability Advanced) for 10 qualifying courses, and the CAX (Coursing Ability Excellent) for 25 qualifying courses.